A review by dori_anne
Chroniq Monde Emerge T1 Nihal by Licia Troisi


A re-read, but a bit special to me since it was the first novel I ever read in my life, the book that made me love reading 10 years ago. So I was a bit scared... Will I love it as much ? Will I be disappointed ? But I am so glad I finally decided to do this re-read. Not only I liked it, but it echoed even more with me than back then when I was a child. The reading experience was not the same at all, but it was not less valuable ! I remember 10 years ago, it sounded so magical, I loved the adventures, and it made me wanna write my own stories. The magic and the adventures still grab me, but I feel that I now get a better understanding of what is going on. Honestly I was worried the writing style would sound poor to me, but not at all ! It is pretty well written, the character development is very good (and it gets better with the next volumes!). Of course if we want to be realistic, Nihal should not have survived these 400 pages, but I choose not to mind it. It's has been a long time since I last felt this urge to read the next chapter, to grab the next volume ! I am so happy this story still operates its magic on me.