A review by cozyreaderdevan77
Woven by Gold by Elizabeth Helen


Rating: 5/5
Spice: 4/5

I was completely blown away by this book. I’m usually not one to like the 2nd book in a series. In fact, I liked this book even more than the 1st one! Most of the time it has a lot of filler, or some major drama that takes the whole book to be fixed. I thought this was going to be the same when we learned our main character was sent back to the human world with no way back to her princes. If you’re the same way as me, then let me ease your doubts! That does not last very long at all. Our girl Rosie, is very hard-headed (in a good way) and no one can keep her from what she wants.
This book had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I couldn’t seem to get enough of it! It was beautifully written and the attention to detail was incredible. The words weaved themselves in a way where I could envision every scene and setting. Oh how I would love to visit Autumn realm. Fall has always been my favorite season and oh my god did this only heighten that love. I may or may no be drinking an iced coffee with pumpkin spice creamer as I write this review…..
Our main character, Rosalina, has becomes one of my favorite FMCs. I need my FMC to be resilient and to be able to stand on her own. She cannot be a damsel in distress. Of course she had some mental hurdles to jump through, but damn did she jump. No one can deny that she’s loyal to her princes and the fae realm. Everyone she meets knows she belongs there. The hope she brings to her men and others around her is amazing. Not to mention how bad ass she became!
Now her princes. This second book was definitely centered on Farron, which I loved. He needed his chance to show us how strong he really was. His character development through this story was surprising. You would have never guessed it from how he was in the first book and beginning go this second book. I loved it all! You could feel how much he struggled with himself and his fears. I think everyone who reads this will be proud of him in the end. As for the others, you can tell they all care for her greatly. It’s hard for me to really choose a favorite..*cough* Ezryn *cough*. Oh my god…I fell for him since the very beginning. He’s so loyal to his brothers (the other princes) and Rose. There’s also a specific scene in a garden….you’ll know what I’m talking about. Hand-necklace. Enough said. Kel is still as thick-headed as usual, but I guess he does have a reason. Just wish he would confide in those he cares for instead of pushing them away. Dayton is as adorable as ever. His love for Rose and Farron makes my heart happy. Then there is a certain Prince of Thorns that pisses me off but also I can’t help but feel bad for. Not sure how he could possibly redeem himself, but I can’t wait to figure it out!
I will be thinking about this book for the next few months! The book hangover this gave me is awful…but I’m not mad about it. I’ve read a lot of RH reads and this one is definitely in my top 5! There is action, romance, spice, and a very interesting plot! I cannot wait to see where this story goes!