A review by sherpawhale
Le dernier espoir by Erin Hunter


This book wrecked me in a way that few books have. Yeah, I've read books and series that I loved, but none them heart-stomped the way that this book did. True, part of it is due to nostalgia, because I've been reading this series for over 8 years, and most of that 8 years was my childhood, and also because these books have 24 books in the main series, 12 mangas, 4 superstar editions (at the time of this review), and 4 guides, so that's a hell of a lot of characters.

This last series, Omen of the Stars, has overall felt a little weak to me. It's part of the build-up: Erin Hunter's been preaching about the "3 warriors with the power of the stars in their paws" for 12 books now (well, more, but we've been following the main characters who are the ones foretold in the prophecy for 12 books) (also it's now the 4 warriors). When you have that much hype, it's hard to live up to it.

And the whole Dark Forest thing? Yeah, it was really starting to feel old. So, the first half of this book felt kind, oh, I don't know. Trite perhaps.

But then the battle started, and all I could think about was, "I don't care what happens to anybody else, I hope X character doesn't die!" And then Y character died, and Z, and XY, and XZ, and you get the picture. Then my thoughts were, "Dammit! I forgot to be worried about them! Agh! Why did THEY have to die? So tragic." D:

And then in the end, X character died as well. So all my hopes were for nought.

When the deaths started coming thick and fast, tears just started streaming down my face. I full on ugly cried for at least half an hour, and probably had a few residual tears after that. Let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. I can't remember the last time I cried this hard over a book (series). Deathly Hallows, maybe? Maybe it was Half-Blood Prince before that. Maybe.

But it was all worth it. All this pain, all this loss. Because this was one beautiful ride.