A review by melsbookshelf
Deadly Messengers by Susan May


I've been having such good luck with thrillers lately! Deadly Messengers is another great one to add to the shelf!

Kendell Jennings is a freelance writer, mostly for magazines doing fluff pieces so she can pay her rent! When she takes a job interviewing a survivor of a mass murder, she thinks it's just going to be a quick, easy buck. Two more mass murders occur and Kendell suspects they may be connected. Fate intervenes to put her right in the middle of the investigation, and into the path of the serial killer.

I really enjoyed this book. It pretty much had everything I enjoy in a novel, action, blood and gore, a little splash of romantic tension and some awesome likable characters with an intense crazy bad guy!

I found the premise extremely original and refreshing. Without giving anything away, the story is not all it seems, and there are some awesome twists and turns throughout. The ending was slightly predictable, however there was still enough action and twists to keep me hooked right to the very end. I barely put this book down, even to sleep!

The characters were great! Kendell had a very troubled past and I enjoyed how she had conflicted feelings about the story she was writing and her own experiences. I loved investigators O'Grady and Trip and their partnership. And I loved that they both had a thing for Kendell even though O'Grady wouldn't recognise it. I only wish that O'Grady and Kendells relationship had a bit more "oomph". I felt that more could have been done with their feelings towards each other earlier in the book. But that's just the romantic in me!

The murder scenes were exceptionally detailed, perhaps more so than your average thriller. Lots of details about the death, blood and gore. I don't mind blood and gore. However I understand that not everyone does. I personally thought the detail worked really well and added an extra intensity to the story. I really enjoyed that aspect.

This was a lot more than a simple "who done it" thriller. It delved a lot into trauma and mental health, and had some extremely interesting pharmacology aspects. Do certain drugs make you more susceptible to kill? Or is it the mental illness itself? Are there drugs that can make you a puppet? Fascinating stuff!

Overall, thoroughly enjoyed it!

Would I recommend it?

Yes, absolutely! A great thriller from a very talented AUSSIE author :) I am looking forward to reading and reviewing her other work!

Many thanks to author [a:Susan May|173617|Susan May|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1389056921p2/173617.jpg] for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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