A review by jarreloliveira
Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present by Robyn Maynard


Phenomenal argument against the "Canada has always been a great place for minorities" nonsense perpetuated by historically ignorant Canadians and North Americans alike. From promoting scientific racism to preventing Black Canadians from emigrating wherever they pleased to defending slavery and pure blood mythologies, and instigating the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan, Canada has a marred past very few Canadians dare look into for the sake of patriotic bliss.

Because Canada, today, is a safer place for minorities, many believe it has always been this way and that is in fact, historically incorrect. Police brutality in municipal, provincial, and federal levels is ubiquitous. The displacement and near extermination of indigenous groups is jaw-dropping, considering how pervasive the desire to turn inhabited lands into "Crown" land. Bizarre.

This book isn't here to demonize a nation for its crimes against minorities, especially indigenous and black minority groups, but to lay out the bare truth about its participation in racial crimes which still affect scores of minority communities to this day.

Worth the read.