A review by thegeekyblogger
Silent Slaughter by C.E. Lawrence


Won from Library Thing
Overall Rating 4.00
Story Rating 4.50
Character Rating 3.50

First Thought when Finished: Silent Slaughter was a creepy cat and mouse game that didn't go exactly how I expected.

What I Thought of the Story: Silent Slaughter was an excellent read that kept me involved from beginning to end. Even though this is 4th book in the series (I think), this is the first one that I have read. I didn't feel lost at all. I could tell that there is an overall arc storyline involving Campbell's sister and some of his relationships. However, the main storyline flowed effortlessly and the other storyline was easy enough to pick up. The cat and mouse between Campbell and the UNSUB was fun! I always enjoy a smart UNSUB though I wish we could have spent a little more time on that storyline and less on Campbell's personal life (more on that in the character section).

What I Thought of the Characters: Silent Slaughter is book four in the profiler Lee Campbell series. He is a pretty typical lead character: flawed, bad relationships, but super smart. I didn't feel a great connection to him but characters are always secondary to me in a really good thriller. I really enjoyed Detective Butts and Chen! They were great counterparts to Lee. They were likable and pretty smart on their own. I also enjoyed the linguistics specialist Elena Krieger and would be interested in seeing more of her in the series. They made an interesting quartet and I could see them growing on me as the series progresses.

Final Thought: Silent Slaughter filled that smart killer/smart profiler read that I was looking for!