A review by booksandbark
The Clouded Sky by Megan Crewe


It had a good premise. I loved seeing the new world and all the new high-tech spaceships and things!

I liked all the new characters and I KNEW IT FOR THE ROMANCE. IT HAD TO BE HIM.
Anyhow, this is a minor spoiler (read on at your own risk), but I didn't like the love-triangle-line thing with Win, Skylar, and Jule. I never really liked Jule and the romance just took over the story and it got WEIRD with the whole "pet" thing.
SpoilerIn the end, when we discover that Jule IS in fact the traitor, I was kind of REALLY ANNOYED that Skylar just went, "Oh, well, looks like Jule's not with us anymore so I can't kiss his face all day anymore! WIN, let me date you now, you know I loved you all along!" Like, UM, NO. YOU CANNOT DO THAT.

Anyhow, I liked how the whole story played out with the traitor subplot, but I was a tad confused a lot of the time. It needed more engaging exposition (oops, I skimmed).
But overall I liked it. Not as much as the first book, but it ended on a pretty decent cliffhanger, so I might as well finish up the trilogy.