A review by nicolesbundleofbooks
The Acts Of Life by Kristin Mulligan


*Before I write my review I want everyone to know that Kristin is my friend but just because of that, it does not change how I review a book. I promised her I would not blow smoke up her ass. Just because she's on bookstagram does not change my review either. Everything I have to say is 100% truthful and what I would say no matter who the author of this book was.*

•Sam starts off as a self centered asshole. Such a tool! But he totally grows on you and I was not expecting that. I was absolutely on his side by the end of the book and actually liked him. He's not my book boyfriend but I don't hate him!
•I want to kill Stella! I was giving Kristin text updates while I read and I HATED Stella the whole time. I can't remember the last time I hate a character so much.
•The FRIENDS: Ross reference was *chef's kiss* and seriously gained Kristin a whole star alone!
•A big chunk of my rating is because it wasn't a storyline I've ever read before! I'm so tired of reading the same damn romance or thriller over and over. This was creative.
•Her writing kept me wanting to read. That's a HUGE thing I look for. It was easy to read. I could follow everything.
•She left enough hints along the way that I had to keep reading to see if I was right or not, yet gave nothing away.
•It wasn't super predictable and I need that in a thriller!
•I had a couple questions unanswered but nothing that is a deal breaker for me.
•I told Kristin I do not like open door romance but I was willing to put that aside. And I'm so glad I did because this was probably the best written open door romance I've ever read. I did not feel the need to skip over those scenes and that's monumental for me!

A solid read for anyone who loves a good thriller mixed with romance!

*Kristin, I need that sequel, NOW! I really need to know what happens!