A review by laughlinesandliterature
The Play by Karina Halle


This book....oh man this book just killed me on so many levels. Kayla is just hilarious and Lachlan is gorgeous. This book was just deep and raw on so many levels. It wasn't just the sex scenes, although those were raw and sexy. It was the rawness to Lachlan's life and therefore his personality. Kayla was just blunt but some of that rawness bled over to her in a way that she desperately needed.

Lachlan was always the "realest" person in the room. He was unapologetic although somehow still ashamed of himself. It's on odd dichotomy although one I found myself understanding, and his ability to give to the dogs was just unparalleled. I loved that there was this soft and tender side to him that no one else really got to see. It was sweet to read about in a man who didn't seem to have a sweet side. Lachlan and Kayla together were just heartbreakingly amazing. Heartbreaking because I knew that Karina Halle would never be able to let their love go without some kind of hardship. And for two people who had already been through so much real, raw life it was a hard thing to read.

I'll admit I shed plenty of tears in this book, and none more than when Kayla and Lachlan were separated (not a spoiler you can see it coming from the synopsis) but I loved this book. I loved it for so many reasons but these characters were a huge part of it. I'm giving the book 5 out of 5 stars.

*I have to take a moment to just talk about the generosity of Karina Halle for a moment. This book features a man who loves to save dogs, and Karina Halle took money from her own sales to raise money to save dogs at animal shelters. She's fucking amazing.

*This review was first posted at Moonlight Gleam Reviews http://moonlightgleam.com/2015/12