A review by chelsea2020
Refuge by Karen Lynch


I've adored "Relentless" many times, reading and re-reading and re-reading it over times again. Much as I adored Karen Lynch's first book, I does not hold a candle to the absolute perfection that encompassed this second addition to the Relentless trilogy, "Refuge." I could not have been more pleased with the story that I got. I was definitely worth the wait!

Sara is the same spunky, independent, no-nonsense girl that we knew and loved in Relentless. However, she is no longer as reckless as she once was. She promised Nate that she would give her new home a chance, and much as she does not like it there (at first), she plans to keep her promise and behave herself as much as can be expected. This does not mean that she won't get into trouble as often as possible, though is she really the one looking for it, or does someone have it our for her?

Sara is having serious trouble fitting in at a compound surrounded by warriors. How can a half-Fae hope to fit in when she can't seem to connect with the Mori inside her? She will find friends in the most unlikely of places when she and a group of Mohiri trainees find themselves under the attack of lamprey demons. How does Sara always manage to find herself in the midst of trouble? And she thought leaving her home would get rid of all her problems.

I absolutely worshipped this second addition to the Relentless trilogy. I was eating out of Lynch's hands, laughing and crying and celebrating along with the rest of the characters. I cannot WAIT for the final addition to make itself known next year. "Rogue." Oh, it is so to die for!!!!