A review by cloneknight
Ronin: A Visions Novel by Emma Mieko Candon


7/10 (3.5 stars)

What I appreciate most about Star Wars Visions as a whole is its premise of taking the Star Wars universe and its most defining aspects and putting it into new scenarios and contexts to tell a story that feels both fresh and distinctly Star Wars. Following the first episode of the animated anthology show, titled "The Duel" this book expands on one of those universes.

It's a universe that sees Jedi not as the more closed off monks we are used to, instead opting to make them more like Samurai following one Jedi Lord. Only the highest ranking of the Jedi get a lightsaber. These Jedi directly serve the Empire and the rule of its princes. On the opposite side we of course have the Sith, though they aren't depicted as straight up evil. They're more-so a rebellion. Both groups are depicted in a positive and negative light, but it feels like there is quite a bit of context missing that could help with our understanding of why the Sith broke off from the Jedi.

In this book we specifically follow the titular Ronin, whom we've met in the Visions episode I mentioned before. He's an old dark-side warrior who's seeking out a Sith Witch, but there's more to it than he initially lets on. My biggest gripe with the book is probably that The Ronin's motivations are never really clear. It feels like he's basically just going along with anything that's happening and all the decisions his companions are making.

That group of companions is an interesting bunch as well. Some get more time to shine than others, and some of them keep their secrets and mysteries just a bit too long for the pay-off to really be satisfying in my opinion. But they get some genuinely interesting arcs that helped me stay engaged with the book when the slow pace and unclarity started setting in. (I'm also giving bonus points for the inclusion and representation here, it made me quite happy to read.)

Overall I think Ronin is a fine book that sometimes seems to forget it isn't set in a universe we're familiar with, rather one that's just very much like it. That paired with a slightly confusing place and kind of emptily motivated protagonist do hold it back from being especially great, but I'm sure if you are fine with all the changes to the lore and just love Star Wars as a whole, there will be plenty to enjoy. I certainly had a good time with it!