A review by eesh25
This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith


3.25 Stars

This book is about Ellie and Graham. After Graham accidently sends an email to Ellie instead of his friend, they strike up an email conversations and soon become pen pals. They talk a lot about each other but never exchange names. Which is why Ellie has no idea that Graham is a movie star. Now, Graham is in the town Ellie lives, for a movie, and they're finally about to meet. But the problem is, Graham is constantly surrounded by paparazzi and Ellie wants to stay as far away from cameras as possible.

Hence the story begins.

This is the second book that I've read by Jennifer E. Smith and this one is noticeably better written and planned. The execution is loads better than it was in [b:The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight|10798416|The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight|Jennifer E. Smith|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1337187623s/10798416.jpg|15464655], but I still found myself liking this one less.

The beginning of the book was really good. It was cute and funny and I was really enjoying it. In fact, most of the book was entertaining and cute. That wasn't the problem.

The problem was that the relationship wasn't equal. This is one of my pet peeves, relationships being unbalanced. In the relationship between Ellie and Graham, it seemed that only Graham was the one willing to work for it. All Ellie did was hide, run away or say 'no'. It felt like she didn't care much about him or about their relationship and was more resigned to their connection than a willing participant.

it told me that if they ever got into an argument and Graham got mad at her, she would just tell her self that 'it was good while it lasted' or 'it was never going to work anyway' or even 'maybe it's better this way' and walk away. If it wasn't for Graham, the plot wouldn't have gone anywhere. I kept waiting for her to take incentive but she never did. And that really bothered me. I don't think she deserved him because he was the sweetest guy. So nice, caring and funny. Handsome, talented, considerate... what more do you need to stop rejecting the guy?

There was also Quinn, Ellie's friend. She seemed like a good friend until she wasn't. She reminded me exactly why I have no interest in making friends of my own.

But this was still, like I said, a good read and if the thing that annoyed me is okay with you, then you should definitely read it. I finished it in two sittings and for the most part had a smile on my face. The ending was pretty open and I'm gonna be reading the novella soon to find out what happens. I also hope that Ellie will change. Though, from its synopsis, it's doubtful.