A review by joreadsromance
As Luck Would Have It by Alissa Johnson


Readable but with some flaws
3 stars

Returning from a life of adventure and travel, Miss Sophie Everton is surprised to find she's been recruited as a spy for the Prince Regent. Despite having trouble adapting to the life of the ton, she accepts in order to save her family home.

Alex, the dashing Duke of Rockeforte and agent for the War Office, has been asked to keep an eye on Sophie but can't seem to do so without finding ways to kiss her. So it's no wonder that neither realise that danger lurks just around the corner.

This is the first book in Johnson's Providence series and is followed by [b:Tempting Fate|5107164|Tempting Fate (Providence, #2)|Alissa Johnson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1347576593l/5107164._SY75_.jpg|5173929], [b:McAlistair's Fortune|6343698|McAlistair's Fortune (Providence, #3)|Alissa Johnson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1347741447l/6343698._SY75_.jpg|6529883] and [b:Destined to Last|7549599|Destined to Last (Providence, #4)|Alissa Johnson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1347744123l/7549599._SY75_.jpg|9841877]. The characters all feature in each novel but having read the books out of order myself, I can't say that they need to be read in order to be enjoyed and understood.

For some reason I just couldn't get engrossed in this book. That might explain why all the intrigue and subterfuge had me baffled at times. The plot, or at least the machinations of the characters to create the plot, was a tad ridiculous although I'm sure not meant to be taken seriously. Sophie and Alex were likeable characters but I could really have done with a little more depth and chemistry between them. The book definitely got more interesting as I kept reading and I'm glad I stuck with it as I really liked the group of characters introduced.

Unfortunately I have to mention a huge drawback to this book and that's the horrific amount of Americanisms contained. Normally you'll find one or two in a book of this sort but there were so many that I was cringing at times as I read.

Having said all that, this is a light, likeable enough read that is worth a go if it's sitting in your bookshelf. I'm still looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series and will probably look out for other books by [a:Alissa Johnson|1983627|Alissa Johnson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1445362056p2/1983627.jpg] in the future. 3 stars.