A review by sleepydoe
Diana and the Island of No Return by Aisha Saeed


Rating- 3.5 stars

'But nothing is impossible is it?' Diana thought. There was always hope if you knew where to look for it.

In recent years, I've been seeing more and more retellings of DC superhero stories in the form of new novels and graphic novels and THEY JUST MAKE ME SO DAMN HAPPY!!!

Daina and the Island of No Return is no different! This book is the first in a series of middle-grade novels that document the adventures of a young Diana before she leaves the island of Themyscira and becomes the Wonder Woman we all know and love! In this installment of her adventures, Diana is whisked off her island to a beautiful and strange land of chariot-makers that is plagued by the evil of a demon who wants to kidnap her for someone. She's got a bounty on her head and two countries to save and she doesn't even know who's after her. Lucky for her though, she's a badass twelve year old and she's got her best friend Sakina and Augustus, an unexpected ally, in her corner!

Now there's not much to spoil here because the story is pretty formulaic. Trio of badass and super smart kids. Demon trying to kill everyone. Traps to overcome on every step of the way. Heroic feats saving the day. You know the drill!

I really enjoyed reading this book! It was super fun and light, and it is always incredibly nice to just chill with a book about baby superheroes. My complaint with this novel is that everything was just a little too easy and convenient. The stakes were high, but they kids got to the solution too easily and it was just that. I'd have liked it if there had been more tension there, but other than that, I really have nothing too negative or critical to say!

There was a lot left untold towards the end of the novel though. I'd really like to know who the guy who wanted to kidnap Diana is and I'd also LOVE to see how Diana grows into her powers and all that! So I'm super excited for the upcoming novels in this series!

If you've loved Diana Prince your whole life like I have, you will love this strange and adorable adventure she goes on! It's just a really fun ride and you should pick it up if you're looking for a light sff middle-grade to lose yourself in over a weekend!

A huge thanks to PRH international and netgalley for the ARC! All opinions are my own!