A review by leahkarge
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione


This book started out a little bit slow for me. Maybe because I jumped into it immediately upon finishing Desire Unchained, but I think it was more because I didn't immediately like or dislike Serena like I did Runa and Tayla, respectively. However, it didn't take me long to get into the story and fall for Wraith even more.

Wraith is quite possibly one of the sexiest demons out there. If Shade wasn't my favorite, Wraith would have immediately slid right into that spot. He is so strong yet vulnerable, cold yet loving, hard-hearted yet tender-hearted. He is so many contradictions combined that it's impossible not to love him. I mean, hell, he was going to die and let his brothers die so that he wouldn't have to kill Serena. He was willing to be tortured by the vampires so they would let him turn Serena. Does a guy get more devoted than that? I don't really think so. And I did like Serena, although it came on gradually. She was strong, brave, and intelligent but also sweet and loving, like our beloved Wraith. Her sacrifice for Wraith and humankind, giving up her charm and virginity, made me really like her, though. Although it sucked that she freaked out when she found out Wraith was a demon. But now they are together so I'm happy, and awww, there's a new baby Wraith on the scene!

The biggest surprise of this book was definitely Lore. Holy shit, he is their brother! He's Wraith, Shade, and Eidolon's brother. I know I probably should have seen that one coming, but it totally blind sighted me. Wow. Yeah, still surprised.

The sad thing is, I think I was more tortured by the situation with Kynan and Gem. Good Lord, those two drove me crazy with their back and forth when I just wanted them to be together, damn it. And I was going to hunt someone down and kill them if Ky and Gem's story had ended with Wraith draining him. No fucking way, Jose. I did not suffer through three books of their torturous relationship for it to end that way! And thank God Lore was able to bring Ky back. Now those two are living happily ever after and I couldn't be happier.

The only thing that bothered me about this book was Serena calling Wraith "Josh." I wanted to smash my head against the wall every single time. And each time she called him that, it made me think of Mary calling Rhage "Hal" in Lover Eternal and how much I hated that. Bleck. Thank goodness she finally started calling him Wraith at the end.

Anyway, this was, yet again, another great installment in the series and I don't think Wraith's story could have been any better.

4.5 stars