A review by bookarina
Hard Sell by Hudson Lin


welcome to this blog tour!!

Disclaimer: I received an ARC, but my thoughts are my own.

I ended up giving this a 3-4/5 stars (depending on the aspects I focused on).

So this is a second chance romance between a brother's best friend and best friend's little brother. One of them (the older guy) works for a company that buys companies in a way and the younger is an IT, sort of "fixing the company from a IT business point of view". I did enjoy their relationship and wished we had more romantic instances and conflict resolving scenes as both our MC's are adults, I wanted more realistic conversations in terms of their future and for them to talk about their relationship.

Our younger MC's brother was my least favorite character, he kept treating him as if he was a child and unable to take care of himself, he treats him as if he is his father. The pacing in the line of events does get weird at times, it is somewhat fast while also being simultaneously slow paced. After the main conflict, due to the older brother if we are quite honest (it was predictable), it is never addressed again, it happens because of a lack of communication and meddling from other people whom should have no bearings on the situation as our MCs are both full grown adults and it affects literally no one.

I was super annoyed at how the main conflict was annoyed & how the timeline for the epilogue was set up. We have no clue as when the epilogue is, how long after the main events did the epilogue happen ?

Overall when we let go of the small issue it is a pretty fun read that was floating between a 3 and 4 stars for most of it. In the end a 3.75 rounded up to a 4 stars.

4/5 stars Bookarina.