A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Operating on a Hunch by Jane Wallace


Operating on a Hunch by Jane Wallace is the second novel in The Board Game Murders. The triplets have their hands full with the B&B fully booked and a murder to solve. Operating on a Hunch is quick book to read with fun main characters. There are quite a few characters in this tale which makes it challenging to keep them all straight. The mystery was interesting to follow with a variety suspects to consider. There are some great twists that make it enjoyable. There is a significant amount of dialogue in the book which is unique for a cozy mystery. Most books have more internal dialogue (main character thinking about mystery for instance). I did feel there were quite a few inconsistencies in the story. There is awkward dialogue, continuity errors, tense changes, plot holes, missing details are just a few issues. I feel the story could have benefited from additional time with the editor. I like the triplets and how board games fit into the whodunits. If you can overlook the issues, you will enjoy reading Operating on a Hunch.