A review by ladykatka
Postal Volume 1 by Matt Hawkins, Bryan Edward Hill


3.5 stars rounded up.

I liked this overall and will be reading the next volume in short order. I wish that the main character was not so defined by his Asperger's as he is not shown to be anything else. Absolutely everything is tied to his diagnosis, and I am not a fan of this. It is nice to have a main character who has Asperger's but nobody wants to their entire being to be tied back to one thing. A lot of things make a person who they are, and it would be nice to show that too.

I wish the plot was a bit more flushed out. I thought the whodunit was going to take a lot longer than it did.

I really like the break downs of several characters at the end of the volume explaining what they had done or were wanted for. It gave a nice insight to each person, even if you only saw them a few times on the page. Made every character a little more interesting.