A review by bookbeforeuleap
Eddie Winston Is Looking for Love by Marianne Cronin

funny lighthearted


This is the story of 90-year-old Eddie who works in a charity shop, saves mementoes from destruction, owns a hamster called Pushkin and oh yes, has never been kissed. He happens to meet 24-year-old Bella when she is donating items and the two strike up an unlikely friendship.

 Oh how I loved Eddie Winston, what a charming gentleman. It is no secret that I love a tale with an intergenerational friendship and that I adored this authors debut, so I had no fears that I was going to enjoy this book, but I did not expect the huge smile on my face through my time with Eddie. The conversations between him and everyone he meets are witty, engaging, and respectful. Eddie’s internal monologue and observations are hilarious, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud on several occasions.

 I also loved the other prominent characters in this book such as Bella, Marjie, Emmeline, Ham & Cheese and not forgetting Bridie, they all add a unique perspective into Eddies 90 years and were a perfect blend to compliment such a fantastic character.