A review by reasie
A Far Cry from Kensington by Muriel Spark


The back jacket copy informs me that this was Muriel Spark’s 18th novel which makes me gasp and say, “There are at least 15 Muriel Spark novels I haven’t read!” I foresee a shopping binge in my future, or else I’ll just continue to pick her novels up as I have, which is when I run across them in second-hand bookshops.

A delightfully quirky book with lots of truth in it and delightful characters and wit. My only complaint is that the villain of the piece, who is VERY villainous, gets off lightly. I should have liked to have read a longer work with a more vengeful hero. And I am not normally a fan of vengeful heroes - but oo this guy was NASTY.

I guess another complaint would be that the book is very short, and I found the passages about poetic insomnia a bit repetitive. But everything else was just lovely.