A review by maddiesreading23
Curveball by E.J. Blaise


INFINITE STARS!!! thank you EJ for the ARC x

"Fuck, Cass, you've given us everything. A home. A family. So much love."

Cass Morgan has had my heart from the moment we first met him during Unexpected and I was so damn excited to get his story. Yes he had me frustrated at times during this book but that is still my best boy and I will not take any criticism!! Cass’ love for both Sunday and August is so sweet. Watching him find the family and belonging he has been searching for had my heart aching in the best way. Cass has grown so much and seeing him become a dad was one of my favourite things. I loved his moments with Kate, Luna, Nick, Amelia - really just everyone of the group that he spoke with lol but it was just so comforting to see this family dynamic again.

Seeing Cass comes to terms with his career, and stepping into fatherhood, and the way he showers Sunday and August in the gentle love they so greatly deserve? It bad my whole heart and soul that’s my man fr I was so happy for him <3

“Sometimes, I think I fell in love with you that night. The first night. Because it felt like you were the only person in the world who didn’t look at me like I was broken. Other times, I’m sure it was when I found out you were pregnant. You know what I thought?” She does—she just read it—but I tell her anyway. “I thought, I am never letting this girl get hurt again. She’s mine.”

Sunday Lane. One of my favourite fmcs ever. She is so strong and sassy, and I love how fiercely she protects her family especially August - she does not play when it comes to her son and I love that about her! Sunday truly got dealt such crappy cards in life but she has always persevered and done the best she can which I admire so much. I love her mama bear side and I love her dynamic with Willow and her friendship with Luna. I love how much she gives Cass, things neither of them truly knew that he needed before, and that she also receives the same from him.

"Cross my heart and swear to die, Goose. You're stuck with me. Forever and always. 'Til death do us part." "Even if you get a boyfriend?" "August Lane, love of my life, I'm offended you'd even think that."

AUGUST LANE THE LOVE OF BOTH MINE AND SUNDAY’S LIFE!!! I love this little boy more than anyone else in Sun Valley tbh like that’s MY son. August is just the sweetest boy with the fiercest, most loyal heart ever. He is so much like his mama, so kind and loving but also not one to fuck around when it comes to protecting the people he loves; my boy is a mama’s boy as he should be!! I love seeing him learning to trust Cass and slowly letting him in and accepting Cass as a part of their family. The way those two are with each other is so sweet.

Sunday and August’s relationship is one of the most beautiful things ever. I love how much they love and protect one another, how fiercely they back each other.

Seeing all the OGs from Unexpected and Bide was one of my favourite parts of this book. It felt like coming home. I love the found family dynamic and EJ does it so spectacularly! I love the way Cass’ family embraced Sunday and August, how easily and eagerly they took these two in and made them a part of the family - how fiercely they loved the two of them from the start <3

This book. I truly do not think I will ever have adequate words to completely describe how much I love Sunday, Cass and August’s story. The book has completely taken my heart. I am so sad to say goodbye to Sun Valley but also, what a way to go. I’m gonna miss this big blended family so much <3

Some of my favourite quotes/moments and just general opinions lol *SPOILERS AHEAD*

"I'm gonna have to sleep with him to get my kid a spot on the team, aren't I?" I GIGGLED!

'my little namesake? Reese is mommy's little angel, Matthias is his father reincarnate but Rory is special. She's the wisest of them all; she's her uncle's girl. Even fresh from the womb, she's always been my little best friend, my shadow, the closest thing I have - and might ever have - to a daughter of my own.' I love cass and rory's relationship so much

~ Sunday owning a purple car is so slay I love it

'In the daylight, I can see the flecks of green in her silvery eyes. Dusty Miller; that's the fuzzy plant I likened them to. I Googled it the morning after I met her, when I couldn't for the life of me get those eyes out of my head.' MY MAN WAS OBSESSED FROM THE START!

'Sunday is the prettiest, shiniest thing, and I can't afford to be distracted these days.'

'He takes off his cap, runs a hand over cropped curls, and yeah. I was right. Devastating. ... And because clearly, he's God's favourite, he has a dimple.'

'Unconvinced, Isaac squints at us. "My dad says when a woman says she's fine, she's lying."' OSCAR JACKSON YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS !

~ Luna Jackson-Evans a girl's girl through and through I LOVE HER

~ John is a creepy asshole fr what do you mean he was a college freshman interested in a high school freshman.

"You are my best friend. My guy. My Goose. You are my entire life, August Lane, and nothing is ever going to change that."

"All the times I wanted to kiss you. The list is a mile long, Sunday. Could go on forever."

"Keep your boyfriend off my field. This isn't the place for a lover's spat." Cass baby it's giving jealousy!

~ Sunday calling Cass darlin' is my favourite thing ever.

'Luna is admonishment-proof, and her vendetta's have a long shelf-life.' ILY LUNA THAT'S MY GIRL!

"Team Lane. Without family, you've got nothing."

'And there it is. The reason I survive any given day. My little sidekick, bodyguard, and best friend all rolled into one. Always looking out for me as much as I look out for him.'

'Even the little ones are working against me, Winnie waxing poetic about 'Gus' pretty mommy' and Issac never missing an opportunity to bring up his favorite teacher. The kid's too smart, too perceptive, for his own good; I swear, every time he mentions Ms. Lane, he looks right at me with a damn glint in his eyes. Just like his mother, that boy." Luna and Isaac, two peas in a pod hehe

'No, he's Team Luna. Jackson is always Team Luna. Sunday could burn down his fucking house but if Luna still liked her, he would too.' that's husband fr!

"She reminded you that you're not as happy being alone as you pretended to be, and you're made at her for it." Kate calling everyone on their bullshit, some things never change teehee !

'Whatever misgivings I may have about Sunday, they never extended to her kid. Yeah, I keep the risk of incurring Sunday's wrath, but I like August. I admire his quiet determination, his dedication to the game. And Izzy liking him is high praise; that kid is a human bullshit detector, just like his parents.'

'I notice a lot about Sunday Lane.'

"Coach Morgan, can I write my journal to you?" "Only if you address them to Cass." THIS HAD ME CRYING!

~ Cass and Sunday both cooking to relieve their stress is so cute to me.

"This is my car, sunshine. Dirty shit only happens in yours."

'Nicolas Silva is a god not only in looks, but in the kitchen too.' YESSIR !

'And when she sighs tiredly in my direction, I quickly figure out that my endlessly hilarious mother has assigned the sound of a fucking cash register opening to the Google alert she set for my name.' Lynn Morgan is my favourite lmaooo

"I really, really want a kid but if you don't, then that's okay. I'll come with you. I won't hold it against you. I promise." CASS MY BEST BOY IN THE WORLD

'I recognized that look on her face. The guilt of a sibling who could've, should've, would've. I know it, I've felt it, so when knuckles brushed my shoulder - the bad one, on purpose, I suspect - I didn't wince. I didn't complain. I didn't conjure up any quippy response. I let Willow threaten my life one more time before stomping away because I understand her.'

'All I know is at some point tonight, I looked at Sunday and my brain said mine. It thought you are never letting this girl get hurt again.'

"Welcome to the family. I apologize in advance." I love Amelia so much.

~ their friends betting on Sunday and Cass dating lmaooo I LOVE THEM

~ Cass getting Sunday fruits that match the size of the babies CRYINGGGG

"Jesus, Sunday. Every day you make me wanna love the neglected right out of you a little more."

~ Cass making August stand with them for a family picture MY HEART

'This, I decide, is my reward. Cass in gray sweats and nothing else.'

~ Lynn making August a blanket <3

"We don't care much about blood in this family. As far as I'm concerned, any child of yours is a grandbaby of mine." ILY LYNN MORGAN

'He's Sunday's. He's my kid's brother. I figure that makes him at least a little bit mine, right?'

~ Cass making a room for August in his house MY HEART!

~ The kiss cam !!

~Cass putting August and Sunday on his insurance after he learned about the pregnancy CRYING

"We're family, kid. No matter what."

~ Only Amelia would call to yell at Cass for being an asshole while she is in labor lmaooo I love her

"C'mon Sunday. Be complicated with me." <3