A review by thenoodlevore
Brujas: The Magic and Power of Witches of Color by Lorraine Monteagut


The book was beautiful poetic but also raw and real. Definitely CW for violence, trauma and sexual trauma.

I particularly loved how the author wove her stories through the book with others along with all the informative content and community building. It really felt like an invitation (call to action really) to DO a something, not just “be witchy” as is the current trend, but do the heavy work, the shadow work and the activism. It was a firm but compassionate explanation that not everything belongs to everyone but we CAN find our lane and support each other. She gives incredible practical advice for any practitioner, and insight into why some of us just aren’t entitled to take what we want. I appreciate it so much and felt like I was being given a huge gift reading the stories and knowledge.

Really lovely and compelling work.