A review by allisonschoneschmetterling
Angelika Frankenstein Makes Her Match by Sally Thorne


this was okay! I really liked the first half, forced through the rest. Ending was super cheesy, could have done without the prologue. I get the cheeky references to the OG Frankenstein etc but I think it really dumbed down the whole book. (I’m not all for “everything is explained and tied in a neat bow” endings, HEA or otherwise). And the super heavy God stuff in the last third was a huge turn off. I know this isn’t a straight up retelling but it is kind of weird to be so heavy handed on “faith will save your life you have to have science AND faith you have to PRAY!!!” Like.. why are you selling religion to me in this smutty Frankenstein spin off … Miss Mary Shelley would never …

Lots of opportunities to do cool stuff with a potential body snatching scandal but it was all dropped for the sake of a love triangle plot line. I know it’s a romance but the Insta love etc was too much for me (prob just personal preference) like I know Angelika made him to be her match but like you don’t know this man !!!!! He is a stranger !!!!

Love how dramatic Angelika is tho, she and Victor were really funny together.

All in all, just kind of meh. Probably wouldnt recommend and won’t read again.