A review by idahobekah
Poison for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket


This book is more philosophical than plot-based, but surprisingly I really enjoyed my time with it. I thought it’d take me a shorter time to read due to its length, but this book really makes you think; I had to take several breaks in reading as this book is anything but passive.

I read this as an audiobook narrated by Patrick Warburton, who did an incredible job. Was I picturing Kronk the entire time? No, mostly just in the beginning! His narration didn’t detract at all, and just for the first couple lines it gives off the same vibes as “The poison for Kuzco, Kuzco’s poision,” scene from Emperor’s New Groove

Overall, if you liked Lemony Snicket’s logic explanations and definitions during The Series of Unfortunate Events, then there’s a pretty good chance this is for you. It is bewildering, confusing, and eye-opening in the best way. The best part of this book is all of the callbacks in later chapters to the earlier chapters. It brings it full circle and makes the philosophical thinking so much more engaging and worth it.