A review by joanav
The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy by Julia Quinn



Full review: http://pepitamagica.blogspot.pt/2016/03/livro-secrets-of-sir-richard-kenyworth.html

Opinião em português:http://pepitamagica.blogspot.pt/2016/03/livro-secrets-of-sir-richard-kenyworth.html

I really like Julia Quinn, one of my favourite books is hers. But this one…this one was a complete disappointment. The writing is just as good as always, but the story…it just didn’t work for me.


Iris and Richard we not a good couple. I didn’t like their story and I especially didn’t like what put them together. Nevertheless, it's a fast pace and easy reading.

This is the fourth book of the series and by mistake I read it before the other three, but honestly it didn’t make much of a difference. It’s too bad that the reviews I read about the other books in the series were not much better than my review on this book. I had high hopes.

I was disappointed.