A review by angels_gp17
Selkies are a Girl's Best Friend by Molly Harper


We return to the charming and crazy town of Mystic Bayou in Selkies are a Girl’s Best Friend. The story picks up a little after the previous titles. I’d recommend reading/listening in order.

The story focuses on Sonja, Jillian’s best friend who runs the League office and has found a home in the Bayou.

Mystic Bayou is in desperate need of a medical doctor and the League hires, Will, who is an original resident, but moved away. He’s a bit hesitant to return home, but he knows it’s what his selkie nature needs.

It’s another fun and wild ride through the paranormal haven of Mystic Bayou. I like that previous characters continue to play important roles in the plot and that the story is part romance and part rift related.

The romance is instant attraction and sweet. Will has trouble trusting others and Sonja is self-sufficient. They find common ground, have a few missteps, but in the end a romance and trust develop.

The rift continues to be an issue that is mounting. The bad guys are obvious, yet it’s still fun to dive deeper into the rift and what is happening to the residents of Mystic Bayou

Narration: As with the previous novels in the series, the story is shared in dual narration. We have Amanda Ronconi reading Sonja’s POV and Jonathan Davis reading Will’s POV. I find that the more I listen to this series the duel narration has grown on me. At first I wasn't a fan, but now it works. Overall both did a great job.

Sulkies are a Girl's Best Friend was another fun audio that will keep you wrapped up in the story.

Rated: 4 Stars
