A review by mehsi
Go with the Flow by Lily Williams, Karen Schneemann


A wonderful book about menstruation, about making tampon/pads available at school (I cannot even remember if we had something like that), about friendship, and more! I really really LOVED this book. I loved how diverse and fun the characters were. They really each had their own fun personalities and I loved it. I loved how the three girls took Sasha (who reminded me of Roos - Brugpieper series we have here) under their care and helped her out and become the best friends ever.
I loved how these girls found menstruation the most normal thing (I can tell you I never talked about my friends about that kind of stuff), and how hard they worked to start a revolution (though Abby went a bit too far at times...
I wasn't a fan of the bullies. Bleeeeh.
The art was great! I really like the style and how everything was red (in different shades).
BUT the abrupt ending (I guess in a way it completes the cycle) I am going to rate this book not 5+ but 5 stars. I think the ending could have been better. I would have loved to see an epilogue or some more pages. I mean I am still curious about Brit and her Endometriosis (is it that and can she get the help she so desperately needs). I want to know more about one of the girl's crushes on their friend (not saying who you will find that one out).