A review by thatkorigirl
Fear by Michael Grant


Beginning roughly four months after the events of Plague, Fear starts off with dramatic changes in the plot. Although much of the action packed, emotion inducing inner turmoil plotting remains the same, with the counting down timer again used effectively to build suspense, this book focuses a lot more on the mystery/complexity of the FAYZ and the characters within. And, for the first time, outside.

That's right folks - beginning with the first scene and continuing at intermittent breaks, a cast of adult characters makes brief but enlightening appearances. Primarily following Sam and Caine's mother, Connie Temple, a subplot sees the newest protagonist struggle to regain her children safely from the comforts of the outside world.

Inside the FAYZ, the two towns managed by Sam and King Caine at the new lake and PB respectively are beginning to notice disturbing signs - a blackness is creeping up the walls. Darkness is reaching in, and the action of power hungry and scared individuals is captivating. Several characters step up to the challenge with completely new personalities - Astrid, embracing a secular viewpoint after roughing it alone with the guilt of sacrificing Pete, complete turns her character around. Diana is pregnant at an alarming rate. And Penny, the girl who can make psychotic visions, has been unchained.

Meanwhile Little Pete's spirit is loose, attempting to figure out the games new rules.

Last but not least, our favorite Darkness is back, ready to become reborn by sending Drake to retrieve Diana.

I couldn't put it down - if you've enjoyed the story thus far I highly recommend it.

As a final note, whether due to my increasingly broader readings and just growing up to read a lot more adult fiction or whether due to MG's tuning language down, the prose in this book seemed a bit lax in this book. It wasn't a persistent problem, but I noticed repeated diction used over and over when some synonyms might have changed up the wording in an appeasing manner.