A review by shaddork
Brief Chronicle of Another Stupid Heartbreak by Adi Alsaid


I should preface this entire review with one thing; I don't often read books like this. The fluffy, sweet, yet character development driven books. Things that aren't hard to read, don't have any major plot-twists, etc. Due to not having much of the typical social life of a high schooler, as I'm homeschooled, this type of book is always interesting to me. It offers fluffy and sweet relationships that I crave to have with my friends. As well as the fact that lately, I've been reading books that I buy as a joke between my friends because I find them somewhere free. As one could imagine, they aren't usually outstanding. So this book was a very nice refresher for me.

"Teenage love was the real version, but the world wouldn't be able to function that way."


Overall, the plot of this book was relaxing, there weren't any major things happening to attempt to cause any insane anxiety. The entire basic idea of the plot: the Main character has writers' block due to a bad breakup, and when overhearing a conversation between a different couple, she finds a sort of inspiration to write about them.

"I did not know love would be this calm. That was my thought."


For the most part, I loved all of the characters. At times, I found the main character annoying. However, I also find myself annoying most of the time. So having characters who are ocasionally annoying, it doesn't bother me.


Overall, my thoughts on Lu are fond. She really grows as a character throughout the book. She starts off being kinda whiny, and reliant on others for her own happiness. But, she grows over the book and becomes more dependent on her character.


I adored Cal, he was funny, sweet, kind, and most of all loyal to his girlfriend Iris. In all situations, no matter what stress.


We didn't spend a whole ton of time with Irish, however, what time we did spend with her I loved her. Lu at one point in the book comments on how she seems to have her life together, Irish simply shakes her head and says while it may appear that she had everything together, she doesn't. She has lots of personality and in general, was a relatively likable character.


I, adored, Peter. I didn't expect his feelings towards Lu to be quite what they were, but when it was revealed what they were, I adored it. It majorly reminded me of one of my closest friends and I. It's a close friendship, with lots of people thinking we're one thing when we're not.

"' People are vines, awaiting the chance to cling."'

Overall, I do recommend this book. It's a fun, light read. A good way to relax or take a break from books that have a whole ton of emotional impact. This book still has an emotional impact, but it didn't drain me emotionally (in a good way), it charged me emotionally.