A review by somanybookstoread
The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold


I thought this book was excellent. This is the first book by Alice Sebold that I picked up. I was immediately struck by the stark emotion and intimacy of her writing. Her prose is gorgeous. This is an intense book and I definitely recommend it, especially for those interested in abnormal psychology. Although it was at times hard to relate to the narrator who I did find to be narcissistic, for the most part I was routing for her and could almost identify with why she did what she did. In that sense, Sebold made me crawl in my skin. How can I be justifying a murder, I thought to myself. The book's theme was summed up in one beautiful line I found about a third of the way through the text. "When was it that you realized the thread woven through your DNA carried the relationship deformities of your blood relatives as much as it did their diabetes or bone density?"

I'll definitely be picking up more Sebold.