A review by anovelbookworm
Broken Dolls by James Carol


Jefferson Winter is an ex FBI agent, who now works as a freelance consultant on difficult cases, which mainly involve serial killers. In this book it’s a little different as they are hunting a psychopath who kidnaps and lobotomises women, rather than killing them. At the start of the book the fourth victim has just been found, and Winter must act quickly before there is a fifth.

Something about this book gripped me from the start and I read it within two days. It is well written, fast paced, and the characters are interesting and well developed. Winter has a very high IQ and is always one step ahead, and it is fascinating to follow his thought process and the story progresses.
The narrative changes between Winter’s perspective and the victim’s perspective, which just makes it even more gripping because the reader is aware of exactly what the victim is going through while the police are trying to solve the case.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves thrillers and crime fiction, but be prepared for some fairly gruesome scenes. The second book in the series is due for release in August (2014) and I look forward to buying it and revisiting the world of Jefferson Winter.