A review by kim_brockway_gatehouse
Deadly Rising by Jeri Westerson


I really enjoyed this book. You can read my full review on my WordPress blog, Flora's Musings...

So, what did I like about it?
[a:Jeri Westerson|1432724|Jeri Westerson|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1461074599p2/1432724.jpg] is still a fairly new-to-me author; I find her writing style engaging, intelligent and easy to read. I love the way Ms Westerson weaves her plots; they are complex enough to keep me intrigued without being convoluted. I feel that there is always a good balance of humour, action, tension, mystery and romance in her tales and the pace that they develop just feels right. [b:Deadly Rising|40229621|Deadly Rising (Booke of the Hidden #2)|Jeri Westerson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1529995303s/40229621.jpg|62483051] didn’t disappoint.

I loved the way Ms Westerson crafted her world, building on the first book and its history; I found myself back in the village of Moody Bog almost instantly, how she described the location, surrounded by wilderness and Moody Bog itself with its collection of small town, village style businesses just brought the place to life in my imagination once again.

I really like our heroine, Kylie; she’s intelligent and has heaps of gumption (even if she does find herself in a quandary on the romantic front during this book) and I like how she's evolving, becoming more self-assured, looking at less supernatural sources to help solve the mysteries. She has grown since the first book and she continued to do so during this adventure; both her skills and knowledge have grown and developed.

I love the fact that the secondary characters that Ms Westerson created to populate her world, feel just as real as our leads and all have strong, memorable personalities, they weren’t just filling the page; kind old Doc Boone who’s turning into quite the mage, teen Jolene who definitely comes into her own in this story and who out there doesn’t know a person like Ruth Russell with her self-important air! I loved that Ms Westerson wrote her characters with the complexities that we’d see in those around us, that they had a good balance of strengths and insecurities to make them feel real, even the supernatural ones.

I love the fact that [b:Deadly Rising|40229621|Deadly Rising (Booke of the Hidden #2)|Jeri Westerson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1529995303s/40229621.jpg|62483051] kept me guessing what would happen next and had me holding my breath at times, on the edge of my seat with shocking revelations, tense standoffs and action-packed fight scenes. But fear not, good readers it’s not all tension and scares there are giggles and a good sprinkling of tummy tingling passion to balance it all out.

So, ummm, was there anything I disliked about it?
As you can tell, I did really enjoy this book but I feel I should explain why I rated it 4 stars rather than 5. In other words, what took the shine off for me?

As my regular followers will know, I am not a fan of cliffhanger endings and although Deadly Rising doesn't end in a life or death situation for our heroine, Kylie Strange, it does for one of the supporting characters PLUS we have a new threat from a big bad burst onto the scene in the final few pages! That did it for me.

I’ll also take this opportunity to remind you that as the second in a new six book series, not all of our questions or mysteries are resolved within these pages, although the monster escapees are satisfactorily dealt with before the end of this book.

So, basically what I’m saying is...
I really enjoyed this book; I couldn't stop reading until I found out how it ended. I love it when a story keeps me guessing, makes me chuckle, puts a lump in my throat, warms my old romantic heart and sends tingles of titillation to my nether regions. Book 3 “Shadows in the Mist” is due to be released in May and I can’t wait to see what happens to Kylie and her friends next.

Due to the graphic violence and sexual content of some of the scenes in this book, I would recommend [b:Deadly Rising|40229621|Deadly Rising (Booke of the Hidden #2)|Jeri Westerson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1529995303s/40229621.jpg|62483051] to adults who are not offended with this type of content and love reading well written tales of magic, curses, mystery and horror with a bit of romance thrown in the mix.