A review by willie_g
The Never-Ending End of the World by Ann Christy


Wow...ok..... This was quite a story. I really liked the concept and thought that the character development throughout was wonderful. You are really able to connect with the characters and CoCo really grew on me. That being said, honestly, this book just wasn't for me. While I liked the idea behind the story I just couldn't get all the way in. The only reason I kept reading is because I wanted to know how it ended. Not because I was enjoying the book. I just couldn't wrap my head around most of it. Not the author's fault really. This just isn't my normal genre. I don't seem to have the imagination for this subject matter.
However, if you are into SciFi and time loops then I do believe this is the book for you.
It was a nice change of "scenery" and I appreciated the new post-apocalyptic theme. Something different from zombies and radiation.
I bumped my star rating up to a 3 because I don't feel it would be fair to the author to rate it any lower knowing that I went into this halfheartedly based on the premise of the book.
Overall, a great story for SciFi fans with a good imagination and open mind.
Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review and for the opportunity and push to expand my reading borders.