A review by brokebybooks
Heritage by S.M. Boyce


In three words: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Yes, Heritage is so worth reading. I loved it all: characters, plot, romance, and setting. I can’t go into it without spoilers but damn. I’m a huge fan of this couple, especially how they’re growing together.

Kara keeps stepping up and impressing me. There’s more than just one woman representing as well so there’s no Token Girl problems either. I find Aurora quite compelling among the standout supporting characters.

Finding out more about Carden was just what I wanted. However, there was this one moment that I know was supposed to give surprise depth but it didn’t come off as believable. I was left puzzled and unmoved by something that felt like a bait and switch rather than seeing more sides to a well-rounded character. Everything else is spot-on.

I’ve also been dying for more information about their races. There’s some in Heritage but it’s minor and only relevant to the romance aspect. I’m disappointed with not finding out the history and explanation behind Braedon’s people. But, Illusion is still forthcoming so there’s hope yet.
Rating: 4 stars.