A review by greendragonauthor
Hunt by L.C. Mawson


I fell into this novel quickly. The opening was great and gave a good basis for the world-building. I enjoyed Freya immensely, and the frightened, wary personality was well-portrayed. I was a little disappointed with how Amber taught her combat. It seemed like a bit of a cheap cheat, but I appreciated the limitations set upon the process. The demon almost felt like an afterthought subplot to the basic story of Freya and how she found her place in the worlds. The combat part seemed like it came upon the story a bit rushed, almost as if the author had realized they needed more action in this story, and patched in a demon and a few battles. It went from slow-burn magic to ATTACK very quickly.

I would have liked a bit more meat on the magical world background. While the author sprinkled the exposition lightly enough, it was all second-hand, except the opening scene. I would have preferred more in terms of flashbacks or intrusion into today’s world. I do hope we see Alice again. I suspect she’s involved with Fate, as she spoke of tangled threads.