A review by lileh
Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights by Helen Lewis

- Solid writing style 
- Well-researched
- Generally interesting 

- I'm not on Twitter so don't know about any of Lewis' transphobia there, however a few comments in this book did make me raise an eyebrow. I believe she raised an issue with self-identifying as trans out of a fear that cis women could be at risk when non-cis women share bathrooms with them - not convinced about this. I hardly think the average trans woman is interested in assaulting people in the loos - they just want to take a piss, probably. It feels like an excuse to justify her views on trans women, and I'm not impressed. 
- I believe she may have also implicitly dismissed the v legitimate concerns of feminists of colour about mainstream white feminism - I think she made a comment about feminism not being able to do everything at once. Ah yes, because if changes benefit white women and not women of colour, woc should just grit their teeth and get over it?!?!? Wtf? Am not a fan of this. 
- Very British centered - interesting for me as a Brit but definitely could be less interesting / relevant for people from other countries. 

Overall - interesting read but I have issues with the author's transphobia and lack of understanding and compassion towards women of colour.