A review by rafial
The Barrow by Mark Smylie


I was looking forward to this book, since Mark Smylie is unlikely to give us any more Artesia any time soon. Unfortunately I found this book frustrating. The first chapter starts off great with action and adventure and desperate people doing desperate things. But when our protagonists return to Theropolis, it takes a turn for the sordid. I had a tough time getting through the next 100 pages or so, because where Artesia brought a certain gleeful bawdiness to its porny elements, The Barrow is determined to show us how depraved everybody, and explicitly so. It's pretty squicky, and there is some "bordering on rape" stuff that I could well have done without. Once our protags hit the road again for actual questing, we get some time to roll around in the gloriously detailed world building that was one of the hallmarks of Artesia, so that was nice. The end staggers on a bit longer than seems necessary, and there are a few "big reveals" that don't feel really supported by the previous narrative. Overall, while there were elements I really enjoy, I found the book frustrating.