A review by jhutch1324
Sign Here by Claudia Lux


Sign Here is billed , and starts out as a dark comedy about a man who works in Hell. Peyote Trip works on the fifth floor of Hell, second from the top, which is the Deals Department. Pey and his coworkers make deals for souls. Humans can be fickle and not very smart, so sometimes they trade their soul for random, invaluable things. Things that actually would have happened regardless or things that only benefit them for a short time. Other humans use their deals to set their family up financially for generations, to save a loved one, or for other more meaningful reasons.

Pey is focused on the Harrisons. We find out that he's been following them for a few generations now and has four Harrison souls signed but needs just one more for a complete set. Pey tells us that he's got some plan that this complete set of Harrisons will help him with but we don't find out the mechanics behind that until closer towards the end of the novel. Pey's coworkers are an interesting bunch. There is KQ, his boss, who is always and I mean ALWAYS a pain in the ass. It's almost like it's her job to make their existence miserable.... Then there is Trey, the office jackass. He's vain, self centered, has a huge ego, and is generally just a huge tool. Trey is decently good at getting humans to sell their souls and seems to get a lot of praise around the office. Poor Pey, can you imagine being stuck for all of eternity working with such a f-boy? Pey also has a new coworker, Cal. Cal is a tough nut to crack. On the exterior she presents herself as a mousy, unassuming resident of Hell. After finding out which floors she came from and how long she was there Pey begins to wonder if he is really seeing Calamity for her true self because he knows that to have spent so long in the Downstairs means that you were the worst of the worst on Earth.

Here is where we get slightly spoilery but I'm not going to go too in-depth because I hate to put spoilers in my reviews.

When I started this novel I was expecting dark comedy and it delivered! The parts about how there are still minor inconveniences in Hell: having to try 5 pens before one works, only having Jagermeister, and carpet that never dried, those are *chef's kiss* HILARIOUS! What I wasn't expecting though was the whole finding out who Pey and Cal really are and were on Earth. Getting the back story about the Harrison's and Phillip especially. And then getting the details on Pey's plan and how he figured out this loophole really hit you right in the feels. This author was able to make me simultaneously care about and be concerned that characters were evil. The Harrisons grow on you, that was another unexpected piece of this novel.

Basically, I love that this author was able to surprise me and make me like the story more because of it.

I would definitely recommend this to friends and family who have a dark sense of humor and enjoy laughing at the absurdities of life.

Initial thoughts:

What a debut for this incredible author!

Thought I was getting a lighthearted dark comedy and got lots of hilarious Hell humor but also the feels.

Review, probably with some spoilers at the end to come.