A review by gauravwyd
The Hindu Way: An Introduction to Hinduism by Shashi Tharoor


I think this book will concern all Indians regardless of their religion. What I want to illustrate with this statement is, we all know what these so-called "Hindutvavadis" are to trying to achieve in a polytheistic country like India. This book would basically give you an insight at what Hinduism truly is and how contradicting the actual Hinduism is from the one that these self-proclaimed Hindu-Sanskriti protectors believe in. Not only the book argues about the true meaning of Hinduism, but it also discusses why and how Hindusim changed and adapted new beliefs over the centuries, how Hindus and people of various religions lived with harmony (particularly Muslims) together. What I'm essentially trying to convey is that besides pursuing what Hindusim is the book will also try and help you understand how in 21st-century people are spreading petty bigotry and how they have distorted and skewed a pluralist religious philosophy in the process of instrumentalizing it as a political idealogy and this immensely mortifies me as an Indian and a born Hindu even though I'm non-religious.