A review by paceima6
September 11, 2001: The Day the World Changed Forever by Héloïse Chochois, Baptiste Bouthier


As of just few days ago, I am 25 years old making me only 5 when 9/11 happened. The memories I have, are mostly of my mom picking me up from school early. I remember swing set dressed in a blues clues jean dress (cute), when a teacher came outside and told me that I was going home early.

Now 20 years later, I find myself fascinated by everyone’s combined memory of such a tragic event, along with how it shaped their futures. I now realize that I’ve only asked Americans what their experience was. Never had I thought about the impact that event had on the rest of the world.

Since I already had interest in the topic I obviously found this graphic novel to be extremely enlightening. I never thought about how people from other countries might have experience that day, and I appreciate this novel for opening my mind to how events might impact other people.

While I loved the subject matter I did have some issues with how the events are laid out. It feels like there’s a lot of jumping around (which could also be because of the difference in times zones). I did however enjoy how much detail when into explaining the impact of 9/11 over the last 20 years. Being a kid and then a dumb teenager makes it harder to understand current events.

I’m glad I got a copy of this arc. It filled in a lot of gaps in my knowledge of the topic and I’m glad I got to learn a little more about how people felt and were impacted by the events of September 11, 2001.