A review by elements_of_wednesday
Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine by Candace B. Pert


To be honest, I'm not a science person so I would not normally pick this book to read, but I had to read it for a class so here it goes. From an I-don't-understand-science perspective the book did an okay job of explaining how emotions and other sciency things work in our body. My main problem with this book was the inconsistency of writing style; it kind of jumps from scientific mumbo jumbo to Dr. Pert's life experiences, skips to the past, and the present, jumping from giving a presentation, to just normally speaking, and uses random italics and paragraph splits as transitions. This made it really hard to follow the timeline of what was happening and just confused me a lot. Besides that, I found Dr. Pert to be kind of obnoxious in that she was always saying she was treated unfairly because she was a woman, which yes, that may be true, but throwing a hissy fit every time that happens is not how to overcome that problem, and actually, makes men feel more like women should not be in high positions.