A review by toystory242
100 Cupboards by N.D. Wilson


So I've owned this book for basically all of my life and finally read it! I thought it was pretty cool and creative. It was an easy read, being a middle grade, and I liked all of the characters. The end was definitely my favorite part--I was anticipating a super big showdown that was kinda stupid but it was surprisingly way more fun than that.

However, I felt like sometimes there were some weird almost sexist little moments and I was like "hmmmmm I don't appreciate this." Like Henry got to do things that his girl cousins had to wait around for. And maybe it wasn't intentional (I mean, the girl cousins were still awesome), but still a bit strange. Also, Henry is living with his aunt and uncle because his parents have been kidnapped. And that should really been brought up more!!!! There's this whole thing how Henry is very sheltered because his parents were SUPER protective, and reading about all of the strange protective things Henry went through was super interesting, and I wanted more of it! Plus, Henry is so chill about his parents being gone it's not even funny. The dynamic could really be expanded upon.

Anyway, I do not know if I'm going to read the rest of the books. I feel like I have way more books that I'm much more excited about.