A review by beckyrendon
Blood Red Kiss by Gena Showalter, Larissa Ione, Kresley Cole



The Warlord Wants Forever-

My first Kresley Cole and hot damn, not my last. If you like to mix your paranormal, then you will be in Valhalla.

Do not mistake you immortals! There will be hell to pay!

oh my!

I definitely missed a few dozen mentioned breeds. But never before have I wanted to mix immortals like this story.

Steamy, erotic teasing doesn't begin to describe it but the storyline is incredibly intriguing. Especially the intense detailing of the Lore and each background, I can't wait to see the follow up for this new series.

Forsaken by Night-

Yummy! I am seriously rethinking my stance on loving all equally...because who doesn't lust after a vampire. But then a skinwalker or shifter, oh yeah!

I am a virgin to all three of these authors and it's obvious that that was a huge mistake on my part!

Lobo was thrown out of the only "home" (and I use that term loosely) he ever knew. He has lived in isolation and loneliness until he found Tehya.

Tehya has made his life more than just existing. But he longs for more...The woman in his dreams...A life...A future...

All of which he knows he can't have. He's content, well more like resigned, to the life he has- as long as Tehya is by his side. When her safety is compromised, he does everything in his power to save her even at the cost of his own life...

Things don't always work out the way we plan and Lobo's plan sure does backfire!

But you really need to read it to find out how...

Dark Swan-

Don't roll your eyes at the aliens! Aliens are friends not food!?! No, um, it's...To Serve Man. Not it either.

Ok, enough bad jokes.

There once were three sisters. Each was treated differently. One was dotted on, given beautiful things, and generally adored. The second was considered the control for the experiment. The third was treated cruelly as less than, told she was evil and ugly. The girls were aware of the tests and yet they couldn't fight them entirely.

The story that unfolds in these pages is heart squeezing. It is sad. It's a depressing history but make no mistake- they will get revenge.

Used as lab rats, created for that very purpose, the girls each adjust to their powers and situations. Until it's no longer a possibility. Trinity, the much loved, is no longer everyone's darling. She is the cause of some terrible things. Lilica, the evil one, will do anything to help her- not in her cause but to make her better.

What starts out as a rescue mission may well end up in a murder. The real question is how many will go down with her?

Are you one of those people who rolls their eyes at alien romance? Do you look at the word alien and cringe? I do. It's unintentional. For some reason, despite countless hours watching all the Star Treks and Star Wars, thinking about alien romance makes me think- bleh. I have read tons and love them. But I always get the same reaction, well, not any more. I will be scrambling to find the others in this series. I can't wait to see the other blooming connections from this book.

Trying to hide my smirk because Dallas should definitely be left to me. You can't handle him nearly as well as me- just FYI. Silica may have him wrapped in her tight fist...but that man is mine!

Book received in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon An Alpha