A review by hannas_heas47
Cocky Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


Cocky Playboy is a collaborative book between two authors and book one in a series. This is one of those books that are really eye catchy when the two main characters have an insta-attraction within the first chapter. A great connection that makes the couple hyper aware of their attraction towards each other then it becomes a matter of when they fall and not if. Decker Collins was every bit the cocky playboy until his eyes landed on Tate Reynolds.

What did I like? You could feel the attraction between the two, and also see their viewpoint. Each chapter was tagged as Decker or Tate’s view so you could see the situation through both sides which made the attraction that much stronger.

Would I buy/recommend? Omg have you seen those covers? I really want a copy of the series! The story starts out slow but builds momentum. It’s definitely addicting.

Thoughts for the authors? Muah! Thanks so much for a copy for an honest opinion. You’ve made me a believer❤️