A review by tessa_grayreading
Waisted by Randy Susan Meyers


I really disliked one of the voice actresses so I'm sure this is actually better than what I'm going to say here because I sometimes was so overwhelmed by my annoyance of that voice actresses lack of voice that I wasn't listening.
But also this is incredibly boring. Straight women with children and marriage issues, what a concept.
I really enjoyed the parts that were about the women coming to terms with themselves and becoming friends and kicking ass and the way society/family/they themselves treated each other and themselves for being fat. I liked the talk about food and relation to food and all that but we constantly had to go back to this shit I could not care less about: children, husbands and the sex life. It didn't matter, none of all this shit I had to listen to actually mattered in the big scheme of this book so why did I have to listen to it? It really annoys me because those parts actually took up so much time that we could have spent with more character growth or more focus on the actual point of this book: fatshaming and what it does to people. Instead we get endless tirades (such as this one) about stupid kids and even worse husbands and everyone being butthurt. Why??
I also liked the commentary on racism and privilege and the likes but I would have wished for a little less tell and a little more show. Considering we had aaaall this time to spent on husbands and sex, we definitely should have had time for some interactions that would have made all that tell more show (and therefore more understandable for everyone).
In conclusion, this book had its moments. I don't think it's worth those moments with all the annoying shit you have to go through to get there.