A review by strikingthirteen
Consumed by David Cronenberg


I don't even know where to start with this. For the first fifty or so pages I getting a little annoyed with the constant description and competition between the two main characters about what brand and type of camera they were using and was really annoyed every time they had to broadcast precisely which photo editing software or voice recording software they're using. The more I went along though - and this book requires investment, at times you will want to stop and that will most likely be because it feels like nothing is happening - the more that it made sense.

One one hand we have Naomi, a journalist looking to cover the story about a French philosopher couple (one of whom has vanished, the other has been murdered and partly cannibalized). On the other we have Nathan, another journalist and Naomi's boyfriend, who is interviewing this odd Hungarian surgeon and then ends up in Toronto after encountering an infection.

There is a lot of description here and I think it would make a great film - except for the fact that said film would certain be X rated in parts. It is a weird book, but one that I'm still trying to puzzle out and would love to read again with a notepad handy.

If you like Cronenberg's films (I do), you owe it yourself to give his first novel a try. It has its problems but it's just as weird, horrific, and thought provoking as you're used to in his films.