A review by jvanwagoner
Commodore Hornblower by C.S. Forester



 Hornblower goes to the Baltic 

One thing I appreciate about the Hornblower series is how every book covers a different part of the world. I get to experience action and adventure and learn about the intricacies of naval battles in various climates and geographies. His adventures have taken him to the Pacific side of Central America, the coast of France, the West Indies, the Mediterranean, Spain, and now the Baltic. He even gets to experience land battles and a siege. He also exercises his diplomatic skills.

This is a series that I have enjoyed immensely. I'm only sad that I am almost finished with this group of novels. It is highly recommended, but it should be read in chronological order after the other Hornblower novels.

I originally wrote this review on 12/13/2010.