A review by andreademara
Tell Me Everything by Laura Kay


I haven’t taken this long to finish a book in a long time. It just kept going, and I kept hoping it would get to a point. Usually, I can’t wait to get to my book at the end of the day, but this one was difficult for me to get into. I didn’t connect with the characters, and the only one I actually liked was Georgia. She was kind, sweet, thoughtful and generous. There was no spice, all the sex scenes were rushed through, and I have had enough lesbian sex to verify that nothing is ever rushed through. I couldn’t even connect with the sweet parents because who tf names their twins Natalie and Natasha? I’m still thinking about that. It’s too confusing to follow. I also refuse to connect with anyone named Poppy. The whole story was unorganized and I held on hoping for a climactic happy ending but I was left unsatisfied and dry as a desert.