A review by dubvanna
Perfect Ten by Nikki Worrell


4 Stars!

Joe Starling is an unapologetic hotshot who is at the top of his game at Perfect Ten escorts. He’s good at what he does and he’s not afraid to admit it. He’s dirty and sexy, and extremely good looking with a good dose of arrogance to solidify his role as top dog. Women tend to fawn all over him, and even though his job is to be just their companion, he sometimes rides that line like a balance beam while trying to avoid the temptation of sleeping with his clients. He’s extremely professional, but temptation has definitely won some of his battles.

This book wasn’t what I was expecting at all, When Joe meets Faith Graham as a new client he is immediately smitten with her, and it’s obvious that his tough exterior will soon be disheveled due to the fact that he can’t get enough of Faith. Faith has some major issues with insecurities about her appearance, and her first glance at Mr. Perfection had her wanting to do a fast sprint towards the hills. Faith isn’t a size two, she’s curvy and voluptuous, and beautiful, but she doesn’t see it that way since she’s been ridiculed by her horrible sisters and mother. So when Joe gives her the googly eyes she’s not only concerned with his intentions, but his mental sanity as well. It doesn’t help that he’s a paid escort, this just adds to her delusion that his actions aren’t real, because he fakes it for a living, giving her the misguided confidence that she’s right.

Joe is so sweet under his Casanova exterior, once he had his mind set on Faith he made it his mission to make her feel worthy of herself and wanted more than anything for her to actually feel like a confident beautiful woman. I loved seeing his transformation as well as Faith’s. They both helped each other get over some hurdles without even realizing it. And I truly believe that is the message that the Author was trying to convey. That it’s ok to be imperfect, and sometimes all you need is that one special person in your life to balance you out.

I love the message behind this story, and to be honest when I started reading I had no idea this was a book about a bigger girl with body issues. I’m so glad I went in blind because it was actually very refreshing and eye opening even to me as a reader, because we all have insecurities about something and I believe this story can open your eyes to the outer world and show you that not everyone sees you the way that you see yourself. And when I was done reading I felt really content and just kind of happy knowing that these things actually do happen in real life, and it’s nice to read a book that makes you feel like that can be true. Perfect Ten was such a nice surprise, full of hot steamy scenes and sweet heartfelt moments that you won’t forget. I really enjoyed this one.