A review by ameserole
A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows by Diana Gabaldon


What a cute little novella. I breezed through this and totally forgot to mention that on GR.. and then I also totally forgot to write the review. OOPS!

A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows is about what really happened to Roger's father, Jerry MacKenzie. I rather enjoyed this book because it was a realistic novella .. less than 100 pages! I don't know how Diana did it but I'm so proud of her. It must've been hard to write a tiny book but I thank my lucky stars that she did. I also really enjoyed this book because we don't know a lot about Jerry, which is why this novella is so important! The back story was amazing! I had so many questions diving into this book and I was so happy that I FINALLY got answers!

No I wont spoil anything from this book because it's like 50+ pages.. you can surely read this if you really want to know what happened. Overall, I highly enjoyed it and now I'm super pumped to dive into the next book. I seriously can't wait to finish this series!